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Mayoral Visit
On Thursday afternoon, we had the honour of a visit from the Mayor and Mayoress of Carlisle. They came with their special ceremonial chains, sword and mace which we were even allowed to touch and hold. It was incredible to be holding such impressive and historical artefacts – the mace, made of gold, dates back to King Charles I who gifted it to Carlisle. The Mayor told us all about his job of Mayor and what he has to do and explained his role in chairing meetings with the council, as well as all the nice things they get to do like switching on the Christmas lights. We asked some brilliant questions to find out more, such as: How do you become mayor? What does it feel like to be Mayor? and Why and when do you wear the special chain? We even asked who the first Mayor of Carlisle was and found out the position goes all the way back to 1545 when King Henry the VIII was on the throne!