Letters Home
Academic Year 2023/2024
- 180624 Cumbria HAF (3.73 MB)
- 140624 picnic lunch (0.23 MB)
- 040624 PFA Summer Fete (0.16 MB)
- 130324 Staffing (0.27 MB)
- 280224 Home Learning Projects (0.39 MB)
- 170124 school playing field (0.22 MB)
- 150124 winter procedures (0.23 MB)
- 191223 End of Autumn term (0.21 MB)
- Online Safety Newsletter Primary December 2023 Hallbankgate 30 11 2023 (0.75 MB)
- 031123 KidSafe session 1 YEAR 2 6 (0.37 MB)
- 171023 Torchlight Procession (0.08 MB)
- 161023 Home learning celebration event (0.21 MB)
- 131023 car park (0.22 MB)
- 280923 Home Learning Projects (0.40 MB)
Academic Year 2022/2023
- 270923 Cool Milk (0.22 MB)
- 210923 Start of term information and welcome back (0.52 MB)
- 180723 End of Year (0.25 MB)
- 130723 music lessons (0.22 MB)
- 060723 Summer Fete (0.94 MB)
- 050523 Year 6 SATS (0.64 MB)
- 280423 coronation picnic lunch (0.25 MB)
- 300323 End of term update (0.81 MB)
- 270323 Staffing (0.21 MB)
- 160323 Gymnastics ASC docx (0.26 MB)
- 150323 Year 2 Assessment (0.26 MB)
- 150323 Home learning project celebration event (0.76 MB)
- 160223 Home learning projects (1.06 MB)
- 150223 Library visits Hallbankgate Hub (0.65 MB)
- Year 1 and 2 Reading Prompts (1.33 MB)
- Year 3 6 Reading Prompts (1.41 MB)
- 030223 Class 3 home learning Reading up to BL4 (0.72 MB)
- 030223 Class 3 home learning above BL4 (0.72 MB)
- 030223 Class 3 home learning phonics (0.72 MB)
- 030223 Class 2 home learning (0.71 MB)
- 010223 Emergency Formula Leaflet 2 (0.90 MB)
- 010223 Cost of Living Booklet (4.31 MB)
- 060123 Class 3 PSHE (0.79 MB)
- 050123 gymnastics after school club (0.21 MB)
- 201222 End of Autumn term (0.61 MB)
- 151222 christmas production docx (0.27 MB)
- 151222 christmas party (0.61 MB)
- 081222 carol concert (0.62 MB)
- 071222 christmas dinner docx (0.26 MB)
- 251122 Christmas Diary Dates (0.22 MB)
- 151122 Learning Progress Meetings (0.27 MB)
- 021122 Diary dates docx (0.30 MB)
- 021122 Family Action (1.04 MB)
- Attendance leaflet (1.28 MB)
- 211022 End of Autumn 1 (0.31 MB)
Academic Year 2021/2022
- 300922 OPAL introduction (0.67 MB)
- 300922 Online Safety Newsletter October (0.72 MB)
- 300922 Home learning projects (1.07 MB)
- 300922 KidSafe Parent Evaluation (0.12 MB)
- 300922 KidSafe session 5 YEAR 4 to 6 (0.74 MB)
- 230922 KidSafe session 4 YEAR 4 to 6 (0.75 MB)
- 230922 KidSafe session 3 YEAR 2 to 6 (0.73 MB)
- 160922 KidSafe session 2 YEAR 2 to 6 (0.74 MB)
- 120922 Family Learning (0.61 MB)
- 090922 KidSafe session 1 YEAR 2 to 6 (0.84 MB)
- 070922 Start of term information and welcome back (0.82 MB)
- 150722 Heatwave (0.23 MB)
- 290622 Uniform (0.37 MB)
- 220622 PFA Meeting (0.21 MB)
- 240522 Jubilee Celebrations and Home Learning Showcase Event (0.09 MB)
- 230505 Class 1 and 2 Fundraising 27th May (0.20 MB)
- 190522 Jubilee Picnic (0.23 MB)
- 190522 parent governor vacancy (0.35 MB)
- 060522 Family Learning at Hallbankgate Village School (0.72 MB)
- Carlisle newsletter April June 2022 1 (0.73 MB)
- 040522 Covid 19 Education IPC Warn and Inform Letter (0.29 MB)
- 290422 Home learning projects (0.86 MB)
- 270422 Family Learning (0.60 MB)
- 210322 COVID19 NOTIFICATION docx (0.28 MB)
- 180322 Scarlet Fever (0.30 MB)
- 220222 school uniform hub docx (0.21 MB)
- 080222 uniform attendance safer internet day (0.93 MB)
- 020222 NSPCC event (0.12 MB)
- 250122 NSPCC Speak Out (0.83 MB)
- 200122 Covid 19 Notification docx (0.25 MB)
- 200122 Class 3 spellings home learning (0.62 MB)
- 200122 Class 3 maths home learning (0.61 MB)
- 20012022 Home Learning Project (0.88 MB)
- 120122 LA letter to parents (0.10 MB)
- 050122 Gymnastics After School Club (0.21 MB)
- 161221 End of Autumn term (0.66 MB)
- 131221 Christmas visit update (0.67 MB)
- 011121 Start of Autumn 2 (0.67 MB)
- 111021 COVID 19 notification and information (0.92 MB)
- 081021 Cumbria Public Health update (0.16 MB)
- 021021 COVID 19 notification CLASS 3 (0.83 MB)
Academic Year 2020/2021
- 020921 Diary dates FINAL (0.77 MB)
- 010921 Return to school information (0.25 MB)
- 260721 COVID 19 isolation period (0.75 MB)
- 210721 COVID 19 Update (0.78 MB)
- 190721 COVID 19 NOTIFICATION (0.83 MB)
- 160721 End of Year (0.26 MB)
- 160621 Library cards (0.61 MB)
- 150721 Library cards (0.70 MB)
- 150721 September 2021 (0.86 MB)
- 060721 Year 6 LEAVERS ASSEMBLY (0.63 MB)
- 050721 Notification of Close Contact docx (0.23 MB)
- 290621 Learning and Progress Meetings docx (0.23 MB)
- 220621 Sports Day docx (0.21 MB)
- 220621 COVID 19 Update for Parents (0.26 MB)
- 090621 Home Learning Project (0.87 MB)
- 260521 Behaviour and Self Regulation Policy (0.25 MB)
- 210521 Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (0.21 MB)
- 100521 Notification of Close Contact (0.71 MB)
- 280421 ScholarPack Parents App (0.25 MB)
- 220421 Class 3 Bright Stars (0.71 MB)
- 010421 End of term information (0.75 MB)
- 160321 parent governor vacancy (0.68 MB)
- 170321 Red Nose Day (0.65 MB)
- 050321 Reopening summary (1.03 MB)
- 020321 March 8th Reopening Information (0.94 MB)
- 230221 Reopening information (0.73 MB)
- 050221 General updates and sources of support (0.90 MB)
- 190120 Critical Workers and sources of support (0.77 MB)
- 120121 Lockdown 3 0 Joint letter to parents Jan 2021 final (0.64 MB)
- 080121 Critical Worker information (0.71 MB)
- 040121 Closure notification (0.71 MB)
- 181220 End of Term (0.73 MB)
- 171220 Staffing (0.69 MB)
- Supporting Carlisle over Christmas (0.47 MB)
- 141220 Coronavirus Notification (0.71 MB)
- 041220 Stargazing Thursday 10th December (0.72 MB)
- 021120 Diary Dates (0.74 MB)
- 301120 Christmas Cards (0.13 MB)
- 171120 Notification of Close Contact (0.71 MB)
- 121120 Learning and Progress Meetings (0.62 MB)
- 091120 Learning and Progress Meetings (0.62 MB)
- 061120 Home Learning Project (0.88 MB)
- 061120 After School Club Update (0.74 MB)
- 061120 Notification of Close Contact (0.71 MB)
- 041120 Staffing (0.66 MB)
- 041120 Nasal Flu Confirmation (0.24 MB)
- 041120 Coronavirus Notification (0.71 MB)
- 021120 Welcome Back (0.60 MB)
- 231020 Half term (0.64 MB)
- 211020 Remote Education (0.69 MB)
- Gaming online safety poster (9.56 MB)
- 061020 Hand washing (0.70 MB)
- 011020 Class 3 poetry (0.76 MB)
Academic Year 2019/2020
- NHS Test and Trace Letter to Parents 23rd September (0.11 MB)
- 230920 Remote Learning Survey (0.70 MB)
- 110920 COVID poster for parents (0.21 MB)
- 100920 After School Clubs Autumn 2020 (0.70 MB)
- 080920 Coronavirus testing information (0.74 MB)
- 040920 Start of term information (0.82 MB)
- 020920 Welcome back September (0.74 MB)
- 270820 NCC Bus arrangements 2020 (0.70 MB)
- 240820 September 2020 (0.77 MB)
- 210820 Transport Arrangements 2020 (0.70 MB)
- School Transport Arrangements from September 2020 (0.23 MB)
- 180820 September 2020 arrangements (0.83 MB)
- 170720 End of Year (0.92 MB)
- 150720 General (0.92 MB)
- 130720 Year 6 Leavers (0.70 MB)
- 030720 September 2020 Final (0.81 MB)
- 010720 Uniform September 2020 (0.99 MB)
- 190620 COVID 19 Update Governors (0.71 MB)
- 180620 COVID 19 Update (0.74 MB)
- 110620 COVID 19 update (0.70 MB)
- 080620 Lockerbie Manor (0.70 MB)
- 220520 COVID 19 update (0.84 MB)
- 200520 Letter to Parents from LA May 2020 (0.22 MB)
- 130520 COVID 19 update (0.82 MB)
- 120520 LA update letter to parents (0.39 MB)
- 110520 Reception closure update (0.60 MB)
- 110520 Maths home learning and closure update (0.61 MB)
- 050520 Governors Update to Parents (0.61 MB)
- 040520 VE Day Home Learning Celebrations (0.63 MB)
- 304020 Online Safety information (0.88 MB)
- 200420 Home Learning update (0.72 MB)
- Safeguarding poster (1.61 MB)
- 140420 Home Learning update (0.68 MB)
- Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus COVID 19 outbreak GOV UK 1 (0.13 MB)
- Friday 27th March 2020 WARWICK HUB (0.58 MB)
- 300320 Schools Hub and Homelearning (0.70 MB)
- 20 3 20 Covid 19 CCC letter to parents (0.24 MB)
- 190320 Coronavirus Update (0.08 MB)
- 170320 Coronavirus Update (0.16 MB)
- 170320 Advice to Schools Responding to Coronavirus (0.07 MB)
- 130220 End of half term and parent questionnaire summary (0.09 MB)
- 130220 winter procedures (0.09 MB)
- 100120 Spring Term Uniform Home Learning Diary Dates Home School Agreement PE Reading (0.74 MB)
- 081119 Anti Bullying Week (0.06 MB)
- 071119 Lockdown Procedures (0.13 MB)
- 071119 Governors Autumn Term Update (0.15 MB)
- 141019 Online Safety (0.92 MB)
Academic Year 2018/2019
- Class 3 Letter and Knowledge Organisers (0.83 MB)
- Class 2 Letter and Knowledge Organisers (0.55 MB)
- Class 1 Letter and Knowledge Organisers (0.71 MB)
- 190919 Knowledge Organisers (0.71 MB)
- 150219 Year 6 Revision Club (0.63 MB)
- 120219 Topic Week School Council (0.60 MB)
- 191018 Early Years (0.59 MB)
- 151018 After School Clubs (0.62 MB)
- 111018 parent governor appointment (0.60 MB)
- 260918 parent governor vacancy (0.62 MB)
Academic Year 2017/2018
- 250918 tri golf year 5 and 6 (0.61 MB)
- 070918 After School Clubs (0.60 MB)
- After School Clubs September 2018 (0.53 MB)
- 130718 End of Year Summary (0.67 MB)
- 270618 Year 2 Learning Progress Meetings (0.18 MB)
- 270618 Year 1 Learning Progress Meetings (0.63 MB)
- 270618 Early Years Learning Progress Meetings (0.64 MB)
- 270618 Class 2 Learning Progress Meetings (0.64 MB)
- 270618 Year 2 School Meals (0.60 MB)
- 200618 Carlisle Castle and Tullie House trip (0.62 MB)
- 180618 Staffing (0.59 MB)
- 140618 Decorating and Books (0.59 MB)
- 110618 Poetry Event Brampton (0.53 MB)
- 230518 GDPR Parent Letter (0.53 MB)
- 160518 Diary Dates Accelerated Reader Lost Property (0.55 MB)
- 160418 Music on the Marr September 2018 and FSM (0.55 MB)
- 210318 KS1 Festival WHS (0.54 MB)
- 210318 PE and After School Sports Clubs Kit and Earrings (0.53 MB)
- 080318 year 6 sats (0.56 MB)
- 050318 kidsafe parents briefing (0.54 MB)
- 080218 Class Organisation (0.52 MB)
- 020218 Access Arrangements Mrs Leigh Lost Property (0.51 MB)
- 180118 Winter Maintenance and School Closure (0.51 MB)
- 180118 Internet Safety (2.01 MB)
- 281117 Centre for Life (0.56 MB)
- 150917 PFA torchlight craft fair etc 2 (0.46 MB)
- 021117 Torchlight Procession School Council (0.65 MB)
- 191017 Halloween Party (0.53 MB)
- 191017 carlisle united (0.52 MB)
Academic Year 2016/2017
- 150917 After School Clubs (0.52 MB)
- 060917 Autumn Term 2017 (0.65 MB)
- 180717 swimming (0.51 MB)
- 070717 Thursday ASC (0.52 MB)
- 050717 Lanercost picnic and play (0.54 MB)
- 260617 Events and Staffing (0.69 MB)
- 190617 GLL Sports Festival (0.54 MB)
- 130617 School Meals (0.18 MB)
- 30 Hour Nursery Entitlement (0.56 MB)
- 180517 Gaming Apps Internet Safety (1.50 MB)
- 080517 Ofsted PE Sun Safety Attendance Collecting PFA Parking (0.70 MB)
- 250417 KS1 Festival WHS (0.54 MB)
- School inspections a guide for parents (0.21 MB)
- Ofsted Inspection 21st March Letter to parents (0.19 MB)
- 150317 staff changes summer term (0.54 MB)
- 090317 lanercost cross country (0.54 MB)
- 070317 Controlling Infections in School (0.53 MB)
- 270217 Year 6 SATS Revision Club (0.54 MB)
- 170217 Age Restrictions Social Media (0.57 MB)
- 030217 SRE (0.53 MB)
- 080217 Internet Safety Day (0.52 MB)
- 250117 KS2 Residential (0.68 MB)
- 250117 Dove Cottage Creative Writing Visit (0.52 MB)
- 161216 SRE Christopher Winter Project (0.38 MB)
- 011216 Learning Progress Meetings (0.56 MB)
- 291116 Christmas Dinner (0.56 MB)
- 281116 Parent Information Meeting (0.56 MB)
- 251116 Winter Diary Dates Fundraising Health Safety (0.56 MB)
- 251116 Christmas Production (0.61 MB)
- 251116 Beamish and Walby (0.58 MB)
- 241116 Childrens University (0.57 MB)
- 151116 School Council Children in Need (0.55 MB)
- 151116 PFA Craft Fair Air Ambulance (0.51 MB)
- 141116 Mrs Arnold Maternity (0.52 MB)
- 081116 School Council Torchlight Procession (0.62 MB)
- 311016 Early Years Susans Farm (0.55 MB)
- 211016 Craft After School Club (0.49 MB)
- 211016 Class 2 Talkin Tarn Cross Country (0.54 MB)
- 191016 Year 1 and 2 Fish Farm Visit (0.53 MB)
- 141016 RSPB Class 2 (0.55 MB)
- 131016 PFA Torchlight Procession Craft Fair Meeting (0.44 MB)
Academic Year 2015/2016
- 230916 harvest festival dates pe kits etc (0.57 MB)
- 220916 Y3 and Y4 Hockey WHS (0.53 MB)
- 190916 Class 2 Tapestry (0.58 MB)
- 150916 Six Aside Football (0.50 MB)
- 130916 Class 1 Parent Occupation (0.52 MB)
- 120916 Early Years Tapestry (0.52 MB)
- 080916 Carlisle United (0.55 MB)